Welcome to Greenova

Start Saving Money and the Planet by Switching to Solar

Ready to power your life sustainably? Get your free quote today and take the first step towards a brighter future.

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Start Saving with Solar Energy, Get Your Free Quote

    About us

    About Greenova Solution

    At Greenova Solution, we’re dedicated to transforming Victoria’s energy landscape through solar innovation. As a Trusted solar panel retailer and installer, our mission is clear: to empower homes and businesses with sustainable energy solutions.

    We pride ourselves on offering top-tier solar panels and inverters, expertly installed by our skilled technicians. Our customer-centric approach ensures that every client receives personalized service and ongoing support, making the transition to solar seamless and hassle-free.

    Energy progress

    Greenova Solution's efforts in providing solar solutions

    Check out our achievements in solar energy installations for residential and commercial properties

    Residential Solar
    Commercial Solar

    Our latest process

    Our Work Process


    Customized Solar System Design

    Our experts tailor a solar system specifically for your home, maximizing efficiency and savings.


    Final Design Approval

    Once the design is complete, we present it to you for final approval. Your feedback is essential, ensuring that the final design aligns perfectly with your vision and requirements.


    Hassle-Free Installation

    From start to finish, we ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience, leaving you with a fully operational solar system in no time.

    Have Questions? Call Us 1300-253-452

    Got questions about solar energy or our services? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.


    Providing Trusted Solutions and Seamless Support.

    Hassle Free Installation

    Our team is highly qualified and experienced at installing solar systems. Installation will be completed quickly and effectively, ensuring you have your solar up and running as soon as possible.

    No Upfront Payment & 0% Interest Loans

    You won’t pay a cent until installation commences, guaranteeing that you receive the service you've paid for. We offer 0% interest loans, allowing you to acquire your solar system sooner and repay it faster.

    High Quality Solar

    We utilize only the highest quality parts to construct your solar system, ensuring longevity and optimal performance for years to come.

    10-Year Workmanship Warranty

    We stand behind our workmanship with a 10-year warranty, demonstrating our confidence in the quality and durability of our installations.

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